Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Beginning!


My name is Heather! I am a 22 year old recent graduate living in Arkansas! I just graduated from the University of Central Arkansas with a Bachelors of Arts in Education! I plan to teach middle school but I work as a paraprofessional right now with 8th and 9th grade!  

I have always loved to read and write! I have never been the best at writing but I figured why not give this a shot. I love having a creative outlet because I am constantly doing something artsy! I want this blog to be a place to talk about my experiences as well as a place to learn from others. I believe that becoming a teacher is taking on a lifestyle of learning because there is always something new to learn. Just in this year I have learned so much not only from mentors, but other teachers and students as well. I want to live a life that is full of new discoveries while also teaching kids math in a way that is fun and engaging! 

So, to tell a little about myself. I live in Central Arkansas with my wonderful fiancé and our two precious dogs! The tan lab is named Willow Brooke. She is 5 years old and my calm child. She loves to lounge around and sleep! The black lab is named Dolly Mae! She is almost 2 years old and she is the epitome of the second child! She is absolutely wild and loves to act crazy. They are both rescues and we love them like real children!  

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