Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Year 2 Update!!

Update on Year 2!

    Can you believe it - it's already November! Time has flown by so quickly, both during the summer and the first few months of the school year! Starting the year was the most difficult part for me, mainly because I didn't have a proper system in place from the get-go last year. However, I now know exactly what needs to be done to ensure that the first two weeks run smoothly. By the time August rolls around, I'll have a better plan in place from day one!

   This year has been much better for me than the previous one. I have gained some experience, and my biggest achievement is not needing my cheat sheets anymore. I feel more confident this year, although we are teaching an entirely new unit, which includes probability standards, a topic that I find challenging. I have had to work extra hard to relearn and refresh my knowledge, but thankfully my amazing team is always willing to help. Initially, I felt embarrassed about my lack of knowledge, but they assured me that it's normal to face something new while teaching.

    Overall, I am so glad that I was able to stick it out through the first year because it genuinely was the hardest part of this whole experience. The best advice I could go back and give myself is to just breathe. I can make it through anything I put my mind to!

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Year 2 Update!!

Update on Year 2!     Can you believe it - it's already November! Time has flown by so quickly, both during the summer and the first few...