Monday, December 5, 2022

My First Holiday Break


  My First Holiday Break

Thanksgiving is almost here! T-Minus 7 hours and 19 minutes! No one tells you in college just how much you will worry and miss these kids before they have even left. I worry about not seeing them for over a week. What are they going to be doing? Are they going home to a place full of love or something else? I know that at least for today I am going to make sure that they know they will be missed by me over this break. 

On the teacher side of things it is also not told how stressful the week before a break is!! The students are all riled up about not coming to school that they have such a hard time staying focused! I tried to plan it to where we would have the day before break to do something fun! Of course though, I have to do what is best for my students which means finishing a test and coloring for some classes! Last night after Archery practice (I am now a certified archery coach which is a whole other story) I printed off the cutest turkey coloring sheets! My thoughts were that they could do something chill before we go home for break. I was thinking about going ahead and starting on some assignments that we will do when we get back but I know that I am going to have a lot of students out today so I wouldn't want to do that. 

As much as I love my job and my students, I can not wait to not wake up at 5:15 in the morning! I want to sleep in, read my book, be under a warm blanket with my animals and watch tv. I love to be at home and I am so ready to do so. I have been reading Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Mass and I fell in love with it! I am already on the 5th book in the series! I plan to have that finished in a few days. We also plan to attend the Razorback game tomorrow in Fayetteville.  The weather so far seems unforgiving so I will be bundled up in layers.


The game was AMAZING! It was such a blast but we had to leave with 8 minutes left because the wind chill was getting to us. Coming back to school after a break is really weird. On one hand, I was enjoying the peace and the ability to do whatever I wanted. On the other hand, I really missed my students. I love getting to spend time with them and watch them learn and grow! Coming back it was so fun to hear about what they did over the break. A few of them went across the country while the other kiddos barely went across the house! I understand why teachers talk about that bit of school between Thanksgiving and Christmas because it is a lot. We are already looking ahead to January and all that is going on. We have state testing a week after we get back so were finishing break strong with that in mind. 

My students have actually talked me into participating in the door decorating contest for December as well so we have that to look forward to. They have already chosen their door theme and I am excited to see what all they come up with! Until then, we're just going to take it one day at a time! 

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