Friday, April 29, 2022

Job Interviews!

 Well, it's that time! 

I have already completed my first real interview! I was so nervous but thankfully it was here at the school I already work at! Even though I know the people that I had my interview with it was still pretty nerve wracking! There was a panel of 4 people. Two vice principals, the math specialist, and a math teacher. I was at an advantage because I already know the people and the school. I prepared a list of questions to ask because you never want to look unprepared! Overall I was calm and sure about everything I said because I know what I'm talking about! I keep having to remind myself that I hold a whole degree in this. Yes, I will always be able to learn more, but right now I have to be confident in my knowledge. 

After this interview, I ended up having one more at a different school district. They asked me to prepare a presentation about myself! I thought this was interesting because I had not heard of having to do this for an interview! I waited in their office until it was my turn to interview. Of course, I had shown up earlier than my time so I expected to wait! They led me to a conference room with three people. It was a little nerve wracking because one of the interviewers showed no interest in anything I was saying. I kept going though and made sure to smile and look my most confident self! 

After that, I was asked for an interview with another school district close by. They did a "round robin" style interview. This was interesting because I had never done this before! In my group, there were 5 applicants. We all waited together so that we could go together to the interview. They took us to the library for the interview where there were 6 tables set up with 6 people. They included people such as the principal, the librarian, math specialist, and math teachers. We were given 2 minutes at each table to answer whatever question they gave us. It was very fast paced and it made me really nervous. I brought along my "teacher binder" with me which piqued the interest of one of the people interviewing me. I believe she was a current 6th grade math teacher. (I believe the "teacher binder" deserves its own post in the future.)

I still do not hold a teaching position, but I have been told it may take way more than 3 interviews to be chosen. It is also still rather early to start stressing out at all. Here at the school I am at, the contracts just went out and they have 30 days to sign. So maybe there is still hope that a lot more positions will be posted! For now, I am continuing the hunt for a good job somewhere. I wanted to go ahead and share my experiences for now and the few things that I have learned through this process. 

1. Don't stress! It takes a while to find that perfect fit. 

2. March/April is a too early to stress about a job in education. 

3. It may take quite a few interviews before you ever do get a position. 

4. Everything happens for a reason. 

5. This is a HUGE waiting game! (which is the hardest for me) 

Overall, it is all going to be okay! Which is what I will keep telling myself until that position comes along! 

Friday, April 15, 2022

A Parapro and all we do

 Since I graduated in December, I have taken on the role of an Instructional Paraprofessional. What does this mean for people who don't know? Basically on a good day I co-teach math! I help with classroom management, struggling students, IEP kiddos, and even pull some students for small group instruction. On a more realistic (read mostly because of COVID) day consists of covering classes/duties of teachers who are out. I LOVE my job! I think that everyone should start out being either a sub or a Para! I get to come to work each day and have something new! There are some days when we have enough subs that I have a more consistent schedule, but right now with COVID and the flu going around we have seen better! I love the fact that I am getting to go into many different classrooms and meet a whole new group of students that I otherwise would have never known! Don't get me wrong though, there are days that these kids are on a whole different level because they "have a sub"! 

I swear those words are the bane of my existence. The school I work at is HUGE, which means that even though I've been here since technically August (Intern first semester employee the second) that there are still students who take one look and think that they're going to act up because I'm "just a sub". I think that the biggest thing I have learned from this is that you have to be confident and sure of yourself. 

Year 2 Update!!

Update on Year 2!     Can you believe it - it's already November! Time has flown by so quickly, both during the summer and the first few...