Friday, April 29, 2022

Job Interviews!

 Well, it's that time! 

I have already completed my first real interview! I was so nervous but thankfully it was here at the school I already work at! Even though I know the people that I had my interview with it was still pretty nerve wracking! There was a panel of 4 people. Two vice principals, the math specialist, and a math teacher. I was at an advantage because I already know the people and the school. I prepared a list of questions to ask because you never want to look unprepared! Overall I was calm and sure about everything I said because I know what I'm talking about! I keep having to remind myself that I hold a whole degree in this. Yes, I will always be able to learn more, but right now I have to be confident in my knowledge. 

After this interview, I ended up having one more at a different school district. They asked me to prepare a presentation about myself! I thought this was interesting because I had not heard of having to do this for an interview! I waited in their office until it was my turn to interview. Of course, I had shown up earlier than my time so I expected to wait! They led me to a conference room with three people. It was a little nerve wracking because one of the interviewers showed no interest in anything I was saying. I kept going though and made sure to smile and look my most confident self! 

After that, I was asked for an interview with another school district close by. They did a "round robin" style interview. This was interesting because I had never done this before! In my group, there were 5 applicants. We all waited together so that we could go together to the interview. They took us to the library for the interview where there were 6 tables set up with 6 people. They included people such as the principal, the librarian, math specialist, and math teachers. We were given 2 minutes at each table to answer whatever question they gave us. It was very fast paced and it made me really nervous. I brought along my "teacher binder" with me which piqued the interest of one of the people interviewing me. I believe she was a current 6th grade math teacher. (I believe the "teacher binder" deserves its own post in the future.)

I still do not hold a teaching position, but I have been told it may take way more than 3 interviews to be chosen. It is also still rather early to start stressing out at all. Here at the school I am at, the contracts just went out and they have 30 days to sign. So maybe there is still hope that a lot more positions will be posted! For now, I am continuing the hunt for a good job somewhere. I wanted to go ahead and share my experiences for now and the few things that I have learned through this process. 

1. Don't stress! It takes a while to find that perfect fit. 

2. March/April is a too early to stress about a job in education. 

3. It may take quite a few interviews before you ever do get a position. 

4. Everything happens for a reason. 

5. This is a HUGE waiting game! (which is the hardest for me) 

Overall, it is all going to be okay! Which is what I will keep telling myself until that position comes along! 

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